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Board of Directors

At WHA Healthcare, our Board of Directors stands at the core of our mission to deliver exceptional healthcare services with unwavering dedication and integrity. Comprising visionary leaders with diverse expertise, our board steers WHA Healthcare towards new heights with a steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation. Their guidance ensures we remain focused on our goals, aligning our strategies with the needs and well-being of our valued customers.

Martyn Hopkins - Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer


Martyn stepped into the role of CEO at WHA Healthcare in 2017, and since then, he’s been the driving force behind our mission to enrich and support the healthcare community. With a heart firmly rooted in providing stakeholder excellence and a vision focused on the future, Martyn’s leadership has been key to our continuous growth and our unwavering support of the services we offer. Under his guidance, WHA has not only flourished but has also deepened its commitment to providing outstanding support, ensuring  we make a real difference to all who we serve.

Finance Director

Julie, our Financial Director, became a vital part of the WHA family in 2016, bringing with her a visionary approach to financial management and system enhancements. With her at the financial helm, we’ve experienced a seamless transition into advanced systems capable of supporting our ambitious growth trajectory. Julie’s strategic foresight and dedication have been foundational in preparing WHA for the significant expansion we’re steering today. Her expertise not only reinforces our financial stability but also ensures we remain on the forefront of innovation, ready to meet the future with confidence.


Julie Cliss
Jeremy Patterson - Chairman


Jeremy, who joined our Board in the autumn of 2018 and took on the role of Chairman in February 2021, brings to WHA Healthcare a wealth of experience from his extensive career within local authority corporate management, including nearly a decade as a Chief Executive. A solicitor by profession, Jeremy’s expertise in planning law and corporate governance, currently honed at One Legal in Gloucestershire where he advises local authorities, significantly enriches our leadership. His acumen and deep understanding of governance and legal frameworks have been instrumental in guiding WHA through its strategic directions and governance practices, ensuring our continued commitment to excellence and integrity in serving our communities.

Vice Chair and Non-Executive Director

In February 2023, we welcomed Mike to our Board as a Non-Executive Director, marking a significant enhancement to our strategic oversight. Mike’s exceptional background in Financial Services, coupled with his deep understanding of risk management and strategic decision-making within a regulated framework, aligns seamlessly with WHA Healthcare’s commitment to excellence and compliance. His broad expertise spanning Business Development, Marketing, Corporate Governance, Planning, Operations, Finance, and Budgeting enriches our board’s capabilities. 

Moreover, Mike’s roles as an Independent Non-Executive Director with The Oddfellows and London & Colonial Assurance in Gibraltar bring a valuable perspective on innovation and best practices in governance across diverse environments. His contribution is pivotal as we move forward, embodying our values of integrity, innovation, and community-centric cash plan provider for businesses and individuals. 

Mike Perry - Non Executive Director
Alan Patterson - Non Executive Director

Non-Executive Director

Alan has been an integral part of our Board since July 1987, bringing with him a wealth of experience and a profound commitment to excellence. As a retired Calibration Engineer and Company Health and Safety Officer, Alan’s meticulous approach to Quality Control Systems has been instrumental in upholding our high standards of care and operational integrity. Beyond his professional achievements, Alan’s dedication to community service, exemplified by his over three decades as a Community Councillor, and his recognition through awards from North Wales Independent Press and Scottish Power, reflect the core values of WHA Healthcare. His long-standing volunteer work underscores our belief in the power of community engagement and the importance of safety and quality in every aspect of our operations.

Non-Executive Director

Since joining our Board in September 2010, Maliika Kaaba has been a cornerstone of wisdom and insight, drawn from her extensive HR background and her senior project management role at Public Health Wales. Her vast experience in navigating the complexities of large organisations has been invaluable to WHA Healthcare, ensuring we remain adaptive and forward-thinking in our approaches. Beyond her professional expertise, Maliika’s passion for gardening and advocacy for health and wellbeing resonate deeply with our values, enriching our commitment to promoting healthier lifestyles within our community. Her contributions vividly illustrate the synergy between personal well-being and organisational excellence, embodying the spirit of WHA Healthcare.


Maliika Kaaba - Non Executive Director
Stuart Shepherd - Non Executive Director

Non-Executive Director

Already making huge strides, Stuart joined our Board in February 2023 as a Non-Executive Director, bringing a treasure trove of business acumen, with a standout specialisation in Information Technology. Over an impressive 30-year career, Stuart has not only built but also successfully managed a software company, showcasing his exceptional entrepreneurial spirit and technical expertise. This rich background is invaluable to WHA Healthcare as we pursue ambitious expansion goals, aiming to broaden our customer base and diversify our product offerings. Stuart’s vision and experience are instrumental in guiding our strategies, ensuring we leverage the latest technological advancements to enhance our services and meet the evolving needs of those we serve.

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We pride ourselves on being a customer-focused not-for-profit, underpinned by our esteemed accreditations and regulatory commitments. As proud members of the Association of Financial Mutuals (AFM), we adhere to the highest standards of accountability and transparency. Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), our operations embody trust and reliability. 

Furthermore, as champions of the Consumer Duty, we go above and beyond to ensure our services are not only accessible but also meet the needs of those we serve. The WHA Healthcare Board of Directors embodies our dedication to these principles, guiding us in our journey to make healthcare more efficient, inclusive, and responsive to the communities we serve.